Professional Policing Statement
The Mahwah Police Department is committed to providing an ultimate and transparent level of professional policing to the community and public it serves.
Excellence in Policing Initiative
This is completed through a rigorous and transparent approach to ensure that all New Jersey statutory laws, Attorney General Guidelines, Bergen County Prosecutor Directives and mandated training is completed and adhered to. The Mahwah Police has dedicated itself through our Mission and Vision statements to continually collaborate with the community we serve to strengthen, adapt and improve our delivery of police services to the public regardless of age, religion, color, race, gender or sexual orientation. The Mahwah Police Department and its Officers continually strives to reinforce and strengthen our trust with the public that ALL will be treated fairly and equally.
In continuance to further this endeavor and show our commitment to go above and beyond required standards and compliance in the way in which we deliver our services is our long standing commitment as a nationally accredited Police Agency through Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, (C.A.L.E.A) which establishes a distinctive set of law enforcement standards to adhere to. The adherence and compliance to the high level of standards is ensured through an annual review by this independent Commission to maintain accreditation. Please see visit our CALEA page for more details. Additionally, our partnership with the Mahwah Municipal Alliance allows us to further our community involvement and outreach through numerous support activities, for the good and welfare of the community. Our collaborative efforts with the Mahwah Municipal Alliance are available by going to the MMA Website.